The Say Yes to Seniors Coalition is a data driven advocacy group that has analyzed the availability of resources to support quality aging in Washtenaw and concluded that improvements are needed. Many other Michigan counties have a higher level of services and the main reason is that 73 of Michigan's 83 counties have a county-wide senior service millage, while Washtenaw County does not. The documents below provide evidence that supports our assertion that a senior millage is needed in Washtenaw County as well as a citizens Commission on Aging.
Commission on Aging Needs Summary
Say Yes to Seniors Informational Presentation
Service Needs of Older Adults in Washtenaw County
Washtenaw County Need and Solutions Survey Results
Responses to Washtenaw Commissioner Questions November 7, 2019
Senior Social Isolation in Washtenaw County
Washtenaw County's Declining Family Caregiver Ratio
Washtenaw Senior Service Comparison Report
Advocacy is needed to show the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners the importance of supporting a Senior Services Millage. Use this template to contact your County Commissioner by phone or email to tell them why you support a Senior Millage and why they should too.
Submit public comment to the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners